Monday, February 4, 2019

Open to Change

Last year I said I needed change, and still today today my life needs change.  I need the kind of change that flips my life around and helps give me a new spin and energized feeling of content and success. 

How to do it and how to stay accountable are my biggest challenges. And to have the confidence to keep going rather than staying with a life where I simply settle. I had bigger dreams for myself and I find that I worked hard trying to get through college and I recall telling myself, with all this schooling and everything that comes with it, I better love my job. 

I have a job and I'm grateful for that but I'm not happy. I feel very little reward in my daily work and in big projects. So much so that I am losing my confidence in my abilities but I remember a time when I was younger and I heard great things about myself and I felt like I could do anything. 

I need more of something that makes me feel like I'm actually making a difference. 

From all the different sources I've read, I understand, you have to start out with small steps and have a clear vision. 

Today I read through articles from Barbara Winter's Joyfully Jobless web page.

Looking for jobs today was hit and miss. Looking at the jobs in my current field seem so boring and uneventful. I want to learn and grow and feel part of a team. 

I wish though in my heart of hearts I could grow my own business doing what motivates me, doing what I love and making a difference for others. 

Will it be with animals, schools or being a yoga instructor, wine instructor?  I don't know just yet but I'm hopeful and I must commit to this quest for my dream job. 

I am open to change. Positive changes. The changes that make me feel giddy inside.  

Until next time. 